Energy Portrait Gift Certificate

from $75.00

Give the gift of creative flow!

A Mini Portrait Session is around 20 minutes, and is a quick intuitive reading focused on your creativity, and a great time to get clarity on one core issue. We look at the overall aura or one main chakra.

A full Energy Portrait is 60 minutes and is a review of the seven main chakras of the human body. We will review what is happening with each energy center and talk about how they are impacting your creative process and overall wellness.

Sessions are online via Zoom and result in a jpeg or pdf that will be emailed to you, along with an animated file, so you can watch the portrait being drawn later.

Each session is different, so you may end up with a likeness of your physical self, or it may be words, symbols, or all of the above.

Letter-size PDF file will be emailed to you within 24 hours of purchase.

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